SOooOoo my obsession with deco stuff continues....
Bought some deco kits off Yukie.
Testing one on my DS....

Just randomly laying them on top.
Hmmm....looks alright but a bit too chunky for my liking, also too 'princessy' - so not my style :P
Gonna look for something else to put this deco set on...
OMG! I got sick of all the little diamontes falling off my phone (never deco stuff with only 2mm diamontes grr takes forever and its all crooked coz the crystals are sooo small its hard to place them straight, oh AND THEY FALL OFF).
So.. i scratched then all off and restuck 3mm ones on :D

Not perfect, but much better than before.
But omgggg i put too much glue and now the sound button is stuck and I can't turn the volume up or down that easily T_T
SO gay!!
Oh well this phone is fail anyway. It's expendable.
I did my nails :D

Was experimenting with my acrylic paints and managed to mix up some pastel colors and do polka dots.
reminds me of easter eggs for some reason >.<
I wanted to do black background but for some reason my black nail polish is super fail. Looks dark in the bottle but u need like 2-3 coats for it to even resemble black! It goes on this murky grey color T_T
Got these from on of those machine things ~~

Add to my collection =p
Last but not least, a dress I tried on...

How cute are the bows and the backless bits.
Fuck i love backless dresses omg.
I didn't buy this one tho coz the front looked pretty normal and it was pretty expensive considering it was such a shit brand.
But hmmm... looking at this pic i might go back and buy it for summer :D
Damn my posts are so crappy and random these days :(