this is frkn crazy
some lady from a DOVE ad... very very normal looking to begin with.. but the end result is phhwoaaar... like.. no wonder ppl get anarexia and BDD (body *something starting with D* disorder - where they think of themselves as super super ugly and deformed and try to commit suicide and won't leave their house etc)... we are surrounded by these photoshopped impossible to attain images of perfection!!!

-_- damn their perfect bodies and perfect faces...grrrrrrrrrrrrr *waves fist around like a crazy person*
hmmm.. unless you are terribly terribly lucky in the genetic lottery like Jessica Alba...

THIS GIRL IS SO SO SO SO SO CUTE!!! She's one of the Vivi models and she's jsut soooo adorable and pretty omgg... normally i hate moles but hers are just so damn gorgeous..
or resort to the super hot AngelaBaby...

Btw she is quite ummm not attractive prior to her plastic surgery(s). **A little bird thinks she kinda looks like a deformed baby**.... this is the pre surgery/pre famous angelababy... hmm... its like a completely different person

well anyways ...meh.. i have nothing against surgery.. ppl always talking about bullshit like "natural is beautiful". all that bullshit. Well if u truely believe it then go fucking date someone who never waxes their legs/armpits or plucks their eyebrows. u go see how u like the 'naturalness'. *scoffs* PFFFFFFT TO U FUCKERS
But then again there are just people who take surgery a bit too far.....
This girl claims shes never had any surgery... ummm... *cough*
ANyways!! The point is that there are standards are just very unattainable for normal fugly ppl =[
However!!!!!! Photoshop is like.. creating beautiful people... taking pimple face/double chin/wrinkley eyed normal people... and turning this plain canvas into a fucking gorgeous [virtual] person .
I love love love love love Photoshop~!~!~!~!~!
*evil smirk* Now... let's see what we can do =D
Step 1. Take normal random photo

Step 2: Find all the flaws!! (ugh)
- eyes too small
- nose too big
- eyebrows not nice
- chest too small
- bottom lip too big
- chin not pointy enuff
- ....
Step 3: correct them!!!!!
- eyes too small
- nose too big
- eyebrows not nice
- chest too small Inflate them...
- bottom lip too big
- chin not pointy enuff
Step 4: after some nubish fisddling around.. its time to show off your beautiful work!!!
It's the most disgusting thing i've ever seen.. get it away from me!!! AWAY!!!!
Step 5: Learn lesson: some things are better left to professionals
ummm... still looks the same as before...
HAHAHAHA ur an idiot
You looked so much better before...
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