Well.. APPARENTLY all I do in my blogs is complain and bitch and moan about stuff and swear too much. So I decided to write a fucking boring post with literally no complaints (see title zzzzzZZzzZZzZZZZZz)...
So like on Saturday three lovely people, Susie, Nathan (my bf) and I went to Mornington which is some random place about an hours drive away from Melbourne.
Our main intention of going was to experience the hot springs which is supposedly good for your skin and relaxing blah blah blah etc...
However, coz it was so booked out n stuff the only available time was for 6:45PM !!
So what to do?
Man.. we went about it stupidly tho!!
Cherry picking nubs.... cherry picking virgins... oook that just sounded a bit WRONG... haha *covers eyes shyly*
Being cheap asians, upon hearing that you can 'eat all u want' once inside. We decided to skip breakfast and just go inside and have a big feast of cherries.. this was the FIRST mistake. I think once inside I ate about... 10 cherries at most ? It's just not a substitute for an actual real meal =.=
Weird tho.. coz cherries are like pretty pricey if you buy them outside so I'm always craving for them.. but when you're surrounded by them its like... meh.....
SECOND mistake was allocating like 2 - 3 hours of our schedule for it. I think we were only inside the Cherry farm for a bit over an hour. There's actually not much to do.. except pick cherries (and take photos of course).
I can't be bothered uploading all the photos we took so i'll just upload one (above..obviously) to prove that we did go pick cherries. What a lovely artistic shot 8-)
In the end we only picked like half a kilo each (it's actually hard quite hard work) and couldn't be bothered anymore haha...
It was so fucken funy tho.. coz the other people there were like.. fully pros at picking.. these old ladies were like crawling under bushes n stuff to get the ripest and most juiciest berries. I even saw one woman with scissors snipping them off into her bucket o.O.
There was this other family of like 3 generations (gramps and granny, mom and dad, annoying kid and annoying kid) all in this joint effort who had like a whole freaking bucket.
There was also this other guy who every time we saw him was standing on like the top rungs of the ladders getting the Cherries at the top of the tree. He was never standing on the ground ... >.<
There are some super serious cherry pickers i tell you!!
Anyways, while we were inside SUSIE saw this guy who looked pretty decent. (IIIIII wasn't looking IIIII'm a good girl *innocent eyes*) and just as we were about to leave we saw him in the distance with his girlfriend. We walked/ran (more like sprinted off) to get a closer look (coz it's like.. the most obvious thing to do .. DUH!)...
she was..
It was like...
umm that random chinese proverb I don't know what it is exactly but its about sticking a fresh flower into a pile of cow shit.
Yeh yeh I know it's mean.. but OMG he could do SO MUCH better!! What is with that.. good looking people and ugly people.
ANyways.. my theories for that are :
- the ugly person will treat the good looking person extra nice to make up for the difference in attractiveness
- the good looking person will make themselves look even better by standing next to a ugly person (like the hot chicks who always have some random fat ugly friend)
- (this is the wisdom of susie) "After eatting too much oyster and abalone one may feel like sampling some PORK once in a while."
I can never understand those hot celebrities who have hot husbands but their husband decides to cheat on them with the fucking plain looking MAID.
I swear .. some guys are like dogs .. will fuck anything that moves.. (or is it all guys..?)..
errr anyways ~~
Went to this market thats only there once a month and nothing much to report.. just heaps of cute handmade stuff. I really really wanted this jewerly stand.. I've been looking for one like that for ages but OMG got talked out of it and now I regret not getting it coz like you CAN'T FIND IT LIKE THAT ANYWHERE (unless its super super overpriced omg)!!! It's like got hooks for necklaces and also these little holes for earrings it was like.. THE ULTIMATE JEWELRY STAND. Goddamn.. didn't even take a photo of it... and now its prolly gonna get bought by some other fucker !!! GRRRRR....
Now i'll hafta prolly buy one off etsy ... I'm eyeing this one... but damn the exchange rate sucks and postage and handling :( aiya.. i NEEEEED a jewelry stand ...

Hmmm and we saw these random cute animals in the market.. I think they are lamas??
Apparently their fur is used to make carpets and scarves n stuff..
Apparently their fur is used to make carpets and scarves n stuff..
This black one is so cute... hehe...
Anyways... after ages of dilly dallying we finally went off to the hot springs.
The one we booked was Peninsula Hot Springs. Not gonna show any photos coz make up was taken off and we looked disgusting.
We booked this private outdoor bath coz we didn't wanna go to the public baths and bathe with random people coz its just weird..
We booked this private outdoor bath coz we didn't wanna go to the public baths and bathe with random people coz its just weird..
Hmmm what can I say about it.. It was pretty nice. Ours was a 45 minute session. But I actually think even 30 minutes is enuff. The water was 39 degrees but its like really fucking hot. Every now and then u gotta get up to cool down or u'd prolly faint. Susie was so wasteful! She'd go into the water for like 5 minutes. Then leave and lie down for 15 minutes. Then come bak and stay for another 5 min!! We were both laughing at her.
It felt like most of the time she was lying down OUT of the water saying "oh i feel so relaxed".. heeheee heee!!!!
It was a really nice place .. and they made a big effort to make the place all peaceful with trees n stuff surrounding you.. it's like the perfect place for taking your boytoys to once your all rich and married and your husband has no time for you coz hes off making money to satisfy all your material needs so you feel neglected and because of that you find hot young guys like Gabrielle in Desperate Housewives and the gardener but really you just want your husband back but you can't live without the money he makes coz you are used to the lavish lifestyle he has bestowed upon you.
hahaha.. i kid i kid... ;)
Anyways.. after your time is up this guy comes and rings a bell to tell you and then you make your way back to this 'relaxation room' where you can sip all these weird and wonderful blends of herbal tea (which i actually found pretty disgusting cept for one since i'm not exotic enuff =[) ...
Hmmm.. Then we drove bak to boring old melbourne and had dinner at boring old springvale and the highlight of THAT part was taking a pic of me sleeping in the car looking disgusting with my mouth randomly open. But i was too smart and deleted the pic before any copies could be made !!!
hahaha suckersss....
Oh yeh...
Cherry farm is like 5 bux entry.
Each kilo of cherries are 12 bux. (however they will weigh the bucket when you go pay which adds like 2 bux to the real weight of the cherries)
The hot springs was like 130 bux for a private outdoor thingy for 3 people. Public bathing is cheaper but it's like so popular now so you aren't guaranteed a spot and they don't take bookings for it. So if you drive all the way there and they are full then bad luck :(
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