Yes, it's true.. i'm just a *little* bit of a goddamn wow geek....
I've tried quitting not once.. not twice.. but THREE TIMES!! Yet you still draw me back in! Why oh WHYYyyyy *wails*..
You hinder my academic progress, rob me of my sleep, clutter up space in my room and take my money every monthh... aiiii....
(These are the reasons I won't date gaming guys!! heeeheeeheee)
Some of my game cards (I've bought more than this tho...)
But it really does look nice.. and it came with stickers!! XD
So now they are on top of my shelf at home.. haha...
My toons(that I play):
80 Warlock - My 'main'
It's naked coz my gear is like... crap and I'm ashamed.. =.=
Will respec resto once 80 since I can't tank for shiet!
67 Pally
Leveled this as a DE bitch and crusader auraaaa!!
LMAO oh lordd.. wow addict!
oh wtf u still play.... i brought Wotlk and played it for one hour and gave up... there is nothing new in this game.
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