Totally irrelevant title.. but I disgress!!
I was surfing the net looking at random things when I came across this picture of this chinese actress.

I always thought she was quite pretty. Having a very innocent and wide eye look. Imagine my shock when I saw this:
Before Make up.

Not only that, I also found out she's had cosmetic surgery, which caused her eyes to be weirddd... see how one eyelid is droopy and one eye is obviously bigger than the other? (Kinda similar to Paris Hilton's lazy eye but way worse).
Ahh.. the wonders of make up.
More pics:

Further research showed that she underwent "开眼角" surgery which literally translated is "open eye corner" which is a surgery that literally does what it says. They cut open the corners of your eyes to make them appear wider and more alert.
Sounds scary right?? But hmm.. looking at this pic .. it seems almost worth it =p

Sexy eyes!!
And here is something else I found, Jolin Tsai before her apparent "natural" image change.
This is her when she was younger.

Note the big flat wide nose.
This is her in more recent pics.

Apparently her face naturally thinned out like that and her nose miraculously became smaller, taller and sharper without any surgical aid. Oh hoho I'm sure it did!!
Anyways, getting back to topic I put these shoes on hold today.
My damn size 5 feet make it so hard to find shoes that FIT.
So when I found these came in my size I HAD TO HAVE A PAIR!!

Wittner "Joker" $149.95
I love patent leather omgwtfbbq.
I used to have a pair of pointy red kitten heels from one of those cheap asian stores ("Duchess") but they broke after like 5 wears.
Man.. never buy shoes from Duchess, they might look nice and be cheap but they are not worth it at all!!
I was so heartbroken, those shoes were damn nice!
The store didn't have any of my size in stock so they are ordering them in from elsewhere :)
SO happy ~~
I also tried these on. They were damn nice also, but the lace part seemed a bit hmm... dominatrix? So I wasn't too sure about them

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